Ongoing projects
Modeling Influenza A Virus Transmission in Humans
To enable rapid and concrete advances in understanding and preventing influenza virus transmission, we are developing a human challenge transmission model.
Multidisciplinary InvesTIGAtion of Transmission to Ease inFLUenza (MITIGATE FLU)
Multidisciplinary InvesTIGAtion of Transmission to Ease inFLUenza (MITIGATE FLU)
Use of a ferret “playpen” to assess non-pharmaceutical interventions that block transmission for use in child care settings.
Public Health Interventions aGainst Human Transmission of COVID-19 (PHIGHT COVID)
Public Health Interventions aGainst Human Transmission of COVID-19 (PHIGHT COVID)
Analysis of non-pharmaceutical interventions implemented by each state during the COVID-19 pandemic.